TO Share or NOT to Share

That is the question!!

In the era of social media and constant connectivity, it can be hard to draw a line between what to keep to myself and what is appropriate to share. On one hand, it’s important to keep some things close to my chest and be aware of the potential risks of oversharing. On the other hand, it can feel liberating to share, find understanding, and express my experiences no matter how good or bad they may be.

So, what to do? How much as a breeder do I share in the journey of having and producing puppies?

It’s important to be thoughtful and self-aware before deciding what to share. Do I feel comfortable with the idea that this information may be stored and accessible for the long haul? Will this post provoke meaningful dialogue, or could it potentially be misinterpreted in a negative light?

Most importantly, it’s important to be true to myself and my values.

So, I choose to share my stories so that clients have an understanding on what a dog breeder goes through to produce these wonderful bundles of joy that they get to share with new families. The excitement on people’s faces when they receive their new puppy is gold. It is, what, I as a breeder lives for and why I do this.


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